Stefan Th. Gries

Companion website of


Statistics for Linguistics with R

Contact information

published by Mouton de Gruyter


Here is the companion newsgroup for this book

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Errors, broken links, feedback, suggestions ... please let me know!

General information (plz read this first!)

This is the companion website for Statistics for Linguistics with R3 (2021, Mouton de Gruyter). This website contains all the files you will need for making the most of that book: all input files, all the R code, and all output files, which you should (i) download to your computer, (ii) unzip them using the password from the book, and (iii) put in a dedicated target directory for the book. To unzip the encrypted zip files, use the passwords provided in your book (at the beginning of Chapter 2) with a proper unzipping software such as 7-zip (Windoze users), StuffItExpander (Macintosh users), or zip/7-zip (Unix/Linux users). Ideally, you have also already downloaded and installed the other applications you will need most for your book. In case you haven't, here are links to the most relevant applications, R and CRAN, RStudio/Posit, Quarto, and LibreOffice. (Further below, can also find the links for older editions, which I am not maintaining/updating anymore: Statistics for Linguistics with R (edition 2, 2013, Mouton de Gruyter), Statistics for Linguistics with R (edition 1, 2009, Mouton de Gruyter), and Statistik für Sprachwissenschaftler (2008, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht).

Main download area


File type


Target directory

English, 3rd edition

chapters 1 to 7: everything

code, data, & exercises (as of 29 December 2024)
Errata (as of 29 December 2024)


The following are older editions whose code etc. I don't maintain/update anymore; after 10 years or more, you should really switch to one of the more recent versions listed above.

Book / Buch

File type / Dateiart

File / Datei

Target directory / Zielverzeichnis

English, 2nd edition

chapters 1 to 5: scripts/code
chapters 1 to 5: input files
chapters 1 to 5: output files

input files
output files
Errata (as of 11 January 2021)


Chinese, transl. of the 2nd edition


Korean, transl. of the 2nd edition

Errata (as of 23 June 2014)

English, 1st edition

chapters 1 to 5: R code
chapters 1 to 5: data files for the book
chapters 1 to 5: exercises
chapters 1 to 5: data files for exercises
chapters 1 to 5: answer keys to exercises
chapters 1 to 5: output files

code from the book
data from the book
data for the exercises
answer key for the exercises
output files
Errata (as of 08 Oct 2016)



Kapitel 1 bis 5: R code
Kapitel 1 bis 5: Datendateien für das Buch
Kapitel 1 bis 5: Übungsaufgaben
Kapitel 1 bis 5: Datendateien für die Übungsaufgaben
Kapitel 1 bis 5: Lösungen für die Übungsaufgaben
Kapitel 1 bis 5: Ausgabedateien

R code
Datendateien für die Übungsaufgaben
Lösungen für die Übungsaufgaben
Errata (Stand 10. März 2010) and Abbildung 65
