Errata for Statistics for Linguistics with R ============================================ p. 1, second line from bottom: "users must to buy" -> "users must buy" (thanks to Leonel F. de Alencar for pointing this out to me) p. 5, middle paragraph "An more" -> "A more" (thanks to Dmitry Granovsky for pointing this out to me) p. 10, Table 3, penultimate row: "CONCRETENESS ANIMATE CONCRETE" -> "CONCRETENESS ABSTRACT CONCRETE" (thanks to Leonel F. de Alencar for pointing this out to me) p. 41, first paragraph: "compute he probability" -> "compute the probability" (thanks to Yoshikata Shibuya for pointing this out to me) p. 65, second line of text from bottom: "And if you only want to the numbers" -> "And if you only want to sort the numbers" (thanks to Leonel F. de Alencar for pointing this out to me) p. 67: "p. 67: The "[1]" before the result indicates that the result of sqrt(5) is a vector that is one element long and whose first (and only) element is 2.236068." -> "p. 67: The "[1]" before the result indicates that the first (and, here, only) element printed as the output is element number 1, namely 2.236068." (thanks to Leonel F. de Alencar for suggesting a paraphrase to me) p. 69, first grey block of code: "caesar" -> "chris" (thanks to Yoshikata Shibuya for pointing this out to me) p. 69, second grey block of code: "names.and.names.of.numbers<-" -> "numbers.and.names.of.numbers<-" (thanks to Yoshikata Shibuya for pointing this out to me) p. 73, note 14: "promoted" -> "prompted" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 74, second bullet point: "to saved" -> "to be saved" (thanks to Yoshikata Shibuya for pointing this out to me) p. 83: "a variables has" -> "a variable has" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 94, before last block of code: "You data frame" -> "Your data frame" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 110, below grey code: 10.000 -> 10,000 (thanks to Steven Coates for pointing this out to me) p. 110, below grey code: 5.000 -> 5,000 (thanks to Steven Coates for pointing this out to me) p. 110, code file for Figure 28 " abline(h=mean(LENGTH), 0)" -> " abline(h=mean(LENGTH))" (thanks to Viveka Velupillai for pointing this out to me) p. 127, first line of 2: "describe on variable" -> "describe one variable" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 129, caption of Figure 31: "FILLER~SEX" -> "FILLER~GENRE" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 137, second grey block of code: "qnorm" -> "qt" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 149: "many statistical require" -> "many statistical techniques require" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 150, first gray box: > attach(RussianTensAps)¶ -> > attach(RussianTensAsp)¶ (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 154, first gray box: ", length(VPCs))" -> ", length(VPCs)); VPCs.exp¶" (thanks to Joseph Sorell for pointing this out to me) p. 156, first paragraph: "finallyeven" -> "finally even" (thanks to Yoshikata Shibuya for pointing this out to me) p. 159, beginning of second paragraph: "conversations between a confederate" -> "conversations of a confederate" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 164, line 1: "the facts that" -> "the fact that" (thanks to Joseph Sorell for pointing this out to me) p. 164, mid of first paragraph: "largest different at" -> "largest difference at" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 171, mid: "every subject gave" -> "every subject contributed" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 172, below Table 28: "larger than 10.827" -> "larger than 10.828" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 177, line 3: "a better terms" -> "a better term" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 179: "eval.tot$parameter¶" ->$parameter¶ p. 181, top: "UNACCEPTABLE" -> "INACCEPTABLE" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 185, first paragraph: "significantly difference from" -> ""significantly different from" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 185, second paragraph: "Let as further" -> "Let us further" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 187, line 5 from bottom: "or at last two" -> "or at least two" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 188, line 6 of par. 2: "You may now be not be interested" -> "You may now not be interested" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 188, Procedure: "test statistic t" - > "test statistic F" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 191, first grey block of code: "SYNONYME" -> "SYNTIMES" (two times) p. 192, line 10: "a less extreme findings" -> "a less extreme finding" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 197, grey block of code: c(0.025, 0.0975) -> c(0.025, 0.975) (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 204, first grey block of code: "••••••••Wilcoxon•signed•rank•test•with•continuity•correction" -> "••••••••Wilcoxon•signed•rank•test" p. 205, line 11 of first full paragraph: "why we Section" -> "why we in Section" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 209, first grey block of code: SEX=="W" -> SEX=="F" (three times, thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 208-211: Given the the test for homogeneity of variances returned a ns result, it would have been didactically more consistent to apply t.test with the additional argument var.equal=TRUE. If the t-test is computed like that, the p-value changes from 0.01619 (with var.equal=FALSE) to 0.01611 (with var.equal=TRUE); the formula for the df changes to n_1+n_2-2. (thanks to Yuliya Morozova for pointing this out to me) p. 210, line 1f.: "can be computed with qt" -> "can be computed with pt" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 215, first line after third block of code "the your t-value" -> "your t-value" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 216, line 3: "from to 1.93" -> "from 1.93" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 219, second grey block of code: text(1:2,•tapply(DICE,•PROCESS,•mean),•"+")¶ -> text(1:2,•tapply(DICE,•PROCESS,•mean),•"X")¶ (thanks to Joseph Sorell for pointing this out to me) p. 220, middle: "be mislead by" -> "be misled by" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 220, second grey block of code: xlab="Blends,• -> xlab="Blends",• (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 224, first grey block of code: c(0.0005,•0.005,•0.025,•0.975,•0.995,•0.995) -> c(0.0005,•0.005,•0.025,•0.975,•0.995,•0.9995) (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 224, first grey block of code: [1]••3.290527••2.575829••1.959964•-1.959964•-2.575829•-2.575829 -> [1]••3.290527••2.575829••1.959964•-1.959964•-2.575829•-3.290527 (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 225, block of code: p-value•=•8.882e-16 -> p-value•=•9.331e-16 (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 226, mid of last full paragraph: "four pile" -> "four piles" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 227, first grey block of code: read.table(),• -> read.table(choose.files(),• (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 233, after Table 39: "you are interested (and" -> "you are interested in (and" (thanks to Ariel Schindewolf for pointing this out to me) p. 238, middle: "can impossibly discuss" -> "can not possibly discuss" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 238, middle: "levels much be" -> "levels must be" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 242, line 3: "off a tangent" -> "off on a tangent" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 242, middle: "13 null hypotheses should better not be 0.05" -> "13 null hypotheses should not be 0.05" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 248, line 1 of Section 5.1.2: "that can applied" -> "that can be applied" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 248, line 4 from bottom: "files from companion website" -> "files from the companion website" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 264, third grey block of code: ,•residuals(model.17),• -> ,•residuals(model.13),• (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 266, mid: "sp,e predictors" -> "some predictors" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 266, penultimate line of first paragraph: "a problem to large" -> "a problem too large" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 267, line 2: "each predictors" -> "each predictor" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 268, second grey block of code: model.13.effsiz<-lm(scale(REACTTIME)•~•scale(FAMILIARITY)•+•scale(NO_LETT)•+•I(scale(CONCRETENESS)*scale(MEANINGFUL_CO))•+•I(scale(FAMILIARITY)*scale(KF_WRITFREQ))•+•I(scale(IMAGEABILITY)*scale(MEANINGFUL_CO)),•data=ReactTime.2) -> model.13.effsiz<-lm(scale(REACTTIME)•~•scale(CONCRETENESS)•+•scale(FAMILIARITY)•+•scale(IMAGEABILITY)•+•scale(KF_WRITFREQ)•+•scale(MEANINGFUL_CO)•+•scale(NO_LETT)•+•I(scale(CONCRETENESS)*scale(MEANINGFUL_CO))•+•I(scale(FAMILIARITY)*scale(KF_WRITFREQ))•+•I(scale(IMAGEABILITY)*scale(MEANINGFUL_CO)),•data=ReactTime.2) (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 280, first grey block of code: PROCESS1•••••... PROCESS1••••-... -> PROCESS1•••••... PROCESS2••••-... (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 285, first bullet point at bottom: "the overall mean the dependent variable" -> "the overall mean of the dependent variable" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 294, first grey block of code: "> assocplot(table(V_CHANGPOSS,•CONSTRUCTION2)¶" -> "> assocplot(table(V_CHANGPOSS,•CONSTRUCTION2))¶" (thanks to Yoshikata Shibuya for pointing this out to me) p. 297, first grey block of code: "c(1,•300)" -> "c(1,•313)" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 298, penultimate line: "V_CHANGPOSS:NO_CHANGE" -> "V_CHANGPOSS:CHANGE" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 300, line 2 of block of code: plot(model.lrm.2,• -> plot(model.lrm,• (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 302, third grey block of code, last line: the•first•subtable:•[,,1]¶ -> the•second•subtable:•[,,2]¶ (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 304, third grey block of code: model.glm.2,• -> model.glm.5,• (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 304, line 1 after third grey block of code: "model.glm.2$fitted or predict(model.lrm.2," -> "model.glm.5$fitted or predict(model.lrm," (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 305, six lines before last block of code: "In the present case, the ratio is 323.83/295=1.1" -> "In the present case, the ratio is 391.72/394=0.99" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 311, last bullet point: "0,5." -> "0.5." (thanks to Joseph Sorell for pointing this out to me) p. 312, mid of first full paragraph: "above, that only" -> "above, only" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 317, line 3f. of the third paragraph: "distance between and between" -> "distance between" (thanks to Marta Recasens for pointing this out to me) p. 322, line 2 of last paragraph: "and when this" -> "and if this" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 322, last line: "of his main" -> "of its main" (thanks to Gunnel Tottie for pointing this out to me) p. 323, the entry for Berez and Gries: "Denai'na" -> "Dena'ina" (thanks to Andrea L. Berez for pointing this out to me) p. 325: add entry: Greenbaum, Sidney. 1976. Syntactic frequency and acceptability. _Lingua_ 40(XXX). 99-113. p. 326, add entry: Labov, William. 1975. Empirical foundations of linguistic theory. In Robert Austerlitz (ed.), _The scope of American linguistics_, 77-133. Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press. ######################### last updated 08 Oct 2016 STG