Stefan Th. Gries
Contact information
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Teaching at the University of California, Santa Barbara

Ling 201: Research methods and statistics in linguistics (W2025)

Syllabus and overview

This course is a hands-on introduction to fundamentals of quantitative/statistical methodology in linguistics. It is based on the third edition of my textbook Statistics for linguistics with R: a practical introduction (2021). We begin by looking at a few basic notions such as variables and hypotheses, familiarize ourselves with how data from experiments and corpora should be set up for subsequent statistical evaluation, and discuss the logic of quantitative studies using the null-hypothesis falsification approach. Then, we are concerned with a variety of descriptive graphs and statistics for frequency data, averages, dispersions, and correlations. The largest part is concerned with a variety of statistical tests: distribution fitting tests, tests for independence, and tests for differences for frequencies, means, dispersions, and correlations. We end with a small primer for the kind of multifactorial methods that are the subject of Ling 202/105. We use the open source software tool R .

Downloads for class sessions
(files will be available as appropriate)

Folder for the whole course

Additional files to be added to that folder per session:
For session 01: Quarto slides
For session 02: qmd file 1 on Quarto, the knitted version, and the answer key for the exercises in class
For session 03: the answer key for the exercises in class
For session 04: qmd file for class and the Google doc
For session 05: qmd file for class and the Google doc
For session 06: qmd file for class and the Google doc
For session 07: qmd file for class and the Google doc
For session 08: qmd file for class and the Google doc
For session 09: qmd file for class and the Google doc
For session 10: qmd file for class and the Google doc


All assignments in one HTML file are available here


R (from CRAN) (required, ideally at least version 4.4.2)
RStudio (required, ideally at least some 2024 version)
LibreOffice (optional, ideally at least version 24.8)